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Rafael ChodosAuthentication
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List of available publications
A Musical Journey to Semantic Technologies
M. Lejeune discusses the relationship between music and information, and between information and metainformation, and between metainformation and the way we interact with music and with each other.
A New Reading of the Book of Job
The author offers a new, hypermodern commentary on the Book of Job - a new way of reading it as a case report: the case of Job versus God! The essay analyzes the many multicultural elements which are combined in the Book, and offers an explanation of why the Book is so moving to us, even today. Along the way, it analyzes the genre of the book, and the ironic elements of the book, and even suggests that the book is a very early record of a psychoterapy or "intervention".
God Does Not Require Obedience: He Abhors It
Fundamental to the Judaeo-Christian, Abrahamic religions is the notion that God has given us commandments and that we must be obedient to them. This essay analyzes - in great detail - the central notion of "obedience" and concludes that after all, God does not require obedience. This is because the whole idea of "obeying God's command," to the extent it is valid, has nothing to do with "obedience" as it is commonly known in other human affairs. Although the title of this essay is deliberately grating, the essay itself is deeply religious because it seeks to articulate part of what it means to hold conversation with God.
Grieving the Loss of Religion
This is a book about your relationship to God and to the religion in which you were brought up. And it is ultimately a book about your relationship to yourself. The book begins with a declaration titled, "Outgrowing my Judaism" and arrives at a new Truth about God: that God is not an external agency but is rather the Highest Aspect of the Self.
Kuukai as seen through the works and writings of Junko Chodos.
Literary Art as Religious Revelation
Dr. Miles offers a stimulating view of the ways in which literary works can include - or reveal - a form of religious revelation. This paper is based on the remarks he gave at the Symposium on Art and Religion.
Presentation at the GETTY: Art and Faith
The Getty Museum presented a panel discussion in the evening of April 29th, 2014, titled "Art and Faith", moderated by Jack Miles. Junko was one of the four artists invited to participate. Each artist was given 15 minutes to make a presentation. This is the presentation Junko made.
Short Papers on Privacy
A series of short papers and related materials, dealing with privacy: what is it? why is it so difficult to protect it? The issue is legal, philosophical, and of intense current interest as invasions of our privacy become more and more rampant.
Spiritual Refugee
The artist, Junko Chodos, sees herself as a "spiritual refugee" from Japan; and sees her art as one aspect of her status as refugee. This is a theme she has written about, and spoken about many times; and it continues to develop as she writes about the artist as a "constructive outsider." She gave a talk titled "Spiritual Refugee" at a conference on EXILE at the Getty Museum in 1999. In 2005, she gave a revised version of that talk at her one-person show at the Fresno Art Museum. This version is a slight revision of her 2005 talk. The image is of Paul Klee's "Dance Play of the Red Skirts", which Junko discusses near the end of her talk.
Technology's Impact on Art and Religion
A series of three essays about the impact of the internet on the sense of mystery, the notion of authority, and the sense of eternity - three vital pillars of religion and art.
The Professions
(c) Rafael Chodos 2011 A short piece about the transformation of the law into an "industry" and how this impacts its continuing ability to be a "profession."
The Wheel of Consciousness
A short essay about life's path: what road we all travel from the time we are born and forward.
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