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Rafael ChodosAuthentication
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List of available publications
Chess Fantasy
A collection of short fables about the origins and history of the game of chess.
Ricardo Quinones is a humanist scholar, whose books and essays on the history of ideas are found in libraries throughout the world. One of the reasons his books are so compelling is that all along, he has been a poet - and a few years ago, he started to publish his work. Here is a small selection from his first anthology, and it includes recordings of him reading some of the poems.
Grieving the Loss of Religion
This is a book about your relationship to God and to the religion in which you were brought up. And it is ultimately a book about your relationship to yourself. The book begins with a declaration titled, "Outgrowing my Judaism" and arrives at a new Truth about God: that God is not an external agency but is rather the Highest Aspect of the Self.
Hideaway vs. Superior Court (MaryJane'sRPI)
A fictional case constructed to make fun of present-day electronic discovery rules. See if you agree with the ideas, even though they are presented with a large dollop of sarcasm!
Piano Lessons
An account of a piano lesson taught by one of the great teachers of the last generation - and reflections on the nature of education in general, and on the meaning of classical music.
Some Anecdotal Evidence
(c) Malcolm Goldstein 2010 An exchange of letters.. and then a stunning exposition of what improvisation is, and what composition is, and what music is! By Malcolm Goldstein, a violinist and composer and improviser who has appeared in many places all over the world.
The Inquest Into the Death of God
Responding to the remark in THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA (c. 1883), "God is dead!", this short piece is the first and only report of a secret Inquest into the Death of God, held in Boston in 1975.
The Romeo and Juliet Litigation
(c) Rafael Chodos 2011 The feud between the Montagues and the Capulets has been resolved - but now the two families cooperate on a new kind of feud: litigation against the Catholic Church for the wrongful death of Romeo and Juliet. Read how the Special Master, assigned by the Duke of Verona to adjudicate the matter, ruled.
The Three Who Were Betrayed
(c) Rafael Chodos 2000 One of the three LEGAL FAIRY TALES included in the first edition of THE LAW OF FIDUCIARY DUTIES, this timeless story in the style of the Arabian Nights involves romance, magic, mystery, treachery, and fiduciary law!
The Wedding Ring and Other stories
(c) Rafael Chodos 2008 A collection of short stories written by the author, some for younger readers.
The Wheel of Consciousness
A short essay about life's path: what road we all travel from the time we are born and forward.
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